Notice of Special General Meeting
Wednesday 25th August 2021
Harris Street Reserve
Amendment to Board Director criteria
The proposal, made by the current Board of Directors, reflects our growth as an organisation and is the next step in our journey of true Aboriginal self-determination. This proposal will also bring us in line with other Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations across the State.
The current criteria are as follows:
39. Qualifications of directors
(1) A person is not qualified to be a director unless he or she is either -
(a) an active member of the co-operative; or
(b) not an active member but who possesses special skills in management or other technical areas of benefit to the co-operative as specified by the board from time to time.
(2) A person qualified to be a director under sub-rule (1)(a) is known as a “member director”. A person qualified under sub-rule (1)(b) is known as a “non- member director”.
(3) The board of directors must have a majority of member directors.
(4) A person must not act as a director if the person is disqualified under Division 2 of Part 3.1 of the CNL (Vic).
(5) In addition to the other requirements a Director must:
(a) Not be a declared bankrupt.
(b) have completed, or commit to completing within 6 months of their appointment or election as a director, formal directors governance training as approved by the Registrar.
(c) have a current criminal record check issued no more than 6 months prior to the date of their nomination or appointment as a director.
The proposal is to change clause 39 (1) (a) to:
(1) A person is not qualified to be a director unless he or she is either -
(a) an active member of the co-operative and of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; or
(b) not an active member but who possesses special skills in management or other technical areas of benefit to the co-operative as specified by the board from time to time.
In order for this proposal to be passed a quorum of 20 Members must be present at the Special General Meeting on 25 August 2021.
Registration will commence at 5pm with the meeting called to order at 5:30pm to consider the proposal. A light supper will be provided at the conclusion of the meeting.
Please RSVP to Leah Parker on 0439 913 734 by Friday 20 August for catering purposes.